無事無事研究所 Mosi mosi 是一間人性化的設計工作室, 其理念源自於廣東話的「無事無事」,意思是生活上遇到什麼困難也好,也要抱緊不用擔心 “ There is no worry” 的精神。對於設計的追求不只停留於外在的美感上,更著重於如何透過設計,使社會和人之間有更好的連繫,希望以人性化的設計喚起人們對弱勢社群及社會的關注。
Mosi Mosi, inspired by a Cantonese slang “mo si mo si’’ which means there is no worry. It is a creative-driven studio that takes a human-centered, design-based approach which helping people live a better life.
Beauty is not only the purpose of design, it’s about how to connect people. Mosi mosi tries to serve with disabilities during workshop and meeting, find out their needs and to raise up awareness in social with humanistic design.
共融設計工作室無事無事研究所創辦人梁雯蕙Comma Leung於香港理工大學視覺傳意設計系畢業,曾獲得多個設計獎項,包括比利時pentawards 包裝設計獎、HKDA Hong Kong Best、香港社會企業挑戰賽冠軍與最具社會使命獎、HKDC亞洲最具影響力設計銀獎、環球設計大獎Hong Kong Best及銅獎、香港設計青年才俊獎、HKSDA 香港智營設計大賞銀獎、賽馬會社會創新設計學生獎等,過往作品曾受邀於德國、日本、台灣等地展出,更接受日本電視台 NHK人物紀錄片與瑞典電台傳媒訪問。
Leung Man Wai, Comma from Hong Kong. Founder of Mosi mosi.Graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, communication design. DFA Design Silver Award in 2016, Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award, Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation Jury’s Special mention and visual communication student award in 2015.
Frank Lo, Graphic designer and Art Director base in Hong Kong. studied in Köln School of design, Graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Major in visual communication design. He has received numerous international recognitions, including Red Dot award, Design for Asia award and Kan Tai-Keung Design award. His work also exhibited in Germany, Singapore and Taiwan.
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